Some resources to help you choose which Pink film to watch next! Here are some excerpts from some of our favorite reviews!
Prison Girl (2008)
"It’s not long into Prison Girl that things actually get quite unsettling, sudden images flash onscreen of Asami being drenched in blood while laughing manically, juxtaposed with seemingly serene scenes of her preparing dinner for her husband. She begins to see a therapist to try and get to the bottom of why she’s having the dreams, but instead of helping they only seem to get more vivid – characters from her every day world also begin to appear in her dreams, and most disturbing is the discovery that she’s imprisoned for killing her husband. As she begins to question her sanity, at the same time we as the viewer are also asked to do the same – is she a bored housewife longing for some sexual excitement, or is she a murderer in prison daydreaming of having a normal life again?" -Paul Bramhall, City on FireLink to page on
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Milk the Maid (2013)
"Milk The Maid is the feel good pink film of the year! It pretty much plays entirely as a sex comedy but works some warm and fuzzy bits into the end that ought to leave a smile on your face. Goofy? Oh yeah, and then some, but the sexploitative aspect of the picture delivers and the whole thing is so ridiculous that it’s hard not to have a good time with this one." - Ian Jane, Rock Shock Pop
Educating Yuna (2005)
"Forget “50 Shades of Grey.” Say hello to “Educating Yuna!” True S&M fans will love this film that tightens the ropes around the scared body, that cums without mercy, that brings masochistic pleasure to the forefront, and shows men and women alike can shed their shame and live an exotic lifestyle. A bondage professional was brought in as an advisor for the extremely intricate shibari rope bondage scenes which director Yutaka Ikemjima, aka Mr. Pink, well crafts into the film. Ikemjima turned innocence into perversion in a matter of a few frames." - It'sBlogginEvil.comLink to page on
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A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn (2003)
"While featuring pretty offbeat material for an erotic film (unless you have pretty odd kinks) Goto's most acclaimed work does amply demonstrate the utter originality and quirkiness that can and indeed does exist in Japan's pink film industry." - Dean Bowman, Midnight EyeLink to page on
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The Japanese Wife Next Door Part 2 (2004)
"THE JAPANESE WIFE NEXT DOOR PART 2 is based on one of the more clever premises for a sequel that I’ve come across. Those of you who saw PART 1 will remember that our nebbish protagonist Takashi found himself in the enviable and unlikely position of having to choose between two beautiful women, Sakura and Ryoko. He chose Sakura, and her nymphomania soon spread to the other members of Takashi’s family, much to his chagrin. Believing that he had made the wrong choice, Takashi imagined that his life would have been much easier with Ryoko. PART 2 takes us back to the moment of that pivotal decision and follows Takashi’s life had he married Ryoko instead." - David Carter,
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